Traditional Grants

Apply Information

Only one inquiry will be accepted from each eligible organization per funding cycle.

Application Deadlines

The Board meets four times a year to consider and award grants. All Traditional Grant Inquiries must be received by: Jan. 1, April 1, July 1 or Oct. 1 (or the next business day if a weekend or holiday) to be considered in the next funding cycle. (Funding cycles are typically 90 days apart.) All Traditional Grant Inquiries will be reviewed and if the tentative submitted inquiry is within our guideline parameters, the applicant will be allowed to move forward with a Second Stage Application. The Second Stage Application will be published to the online grant software. All Second Stage Applicants will be notified (within 180 days after the Second Stage Application is submitted) with the final decision of the board of directors.

Example: Second Stage Application submitted on March 18th, then the applicant would be notified by July 1 if the application has been approved or declined.

All requests for funds must be $25,000 and above, and provide seed funds for new and worthwhile educational programs in the state of North Carolina. The request must be for programs that benefit a large geographical region or provide a statewide impact. Proposals may be submitted for one year of funding or multi-year funding with a maximum duration of five years.

Applications that do not advance science, health, or educational attainment, or that provide medical assistance will not be considered.

The Board of Directors will consider proposals that fall within the stated guidelines. The board may make an exception to this policy, and if a pilot program expects to be replicated on a larger scale after the pilot is complete. This policy does not preclude the consideration and possible funding of ongoing projects.

The Foundation makes grants only to nonprofit, charitable organizations and institutions exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; individuals may not apply.

As a matter of policy, the following is outside the scope of the Foundation’s funding:

  • indirect or overhead costs, and fringe benefits for new hires
  • core mission support, including current staff salaries and benefits
  • general operating, rent, or insurance
  • construction or renovation projects, or equipment
  • delivery or facilitation of access to healthcare, medical assistance or services

Requirements for the Traditional grant inquiry and second stage application is outlined below:

Traditional Grant Application Outline

Only one application will be accepted from each eligible organization per funding cycle. The online inquiry and second stage application will include the following items:


Complete Eligibility Quiz – A new, statewide, or expansion project acknowledgement is required to move forward with the inquiry.

Organization Information

Organization Name and Tax ID Number

Grant Request Primary Contact Information

Organization Contact Information

Organization Mission Statement

Project Title

Focus Area: Science, Health or Educational

Funds/Amount needed for this request? (Tentative)

Project Information/Executive Summary - An executive summary of the planned activities should not exceed two double-spaced pages. Include the principal components of the proposed program(s) and briefly describe the goal, objectives, and activities that will be undertaken. Limit to two pages.

Project Information

Project Start Date and End Date

Focus Area: Science, Health or Educational

Copy of 501(c)(3) Letter

Second Stage Application

Request Classification

Age Group


Focus Area

Number expected to be served

  1. Detailed Project Need – Provide a comprehensive description of the need for the proposed project. Include a description of the need for the proposal. Cite external sources as appropriate. For new initiatives, describe how this project fills a gap in services. For expansions/enhancement projects provide evidence of success and the need for expansion.
  2. Project Design – Provide an in-depth detailed summary of the proposed goals, objectives, activities, and expected outcomes.
    1. Project goal or goals.
    2. Objectives for each goal.
    3. Activities for each objective.
    4. Expected outcomes for each activity.
    5. Key staff roles and responsibilities for the project.
    6. Will you be working with partner organizations, what will they contribute, if the project involves partner organizations.
    7. Detailed project timeline.
  3. Project Evaluation – Provide information about how the proposed project activities will impact the target group. How the evaluation component will be executed and when. What will change in the target group? Describe how project outcomes will align with objectives. How will each outcome be measured (specify instruments and when and how data will be collected).
  4. Project Sustainability – Provide information about how project activities will be sustained after the grant funds are expended if the project is successful. Include scale up activities, potential funding sources, and partnerships, or explain why the project will not continue.
  5. Organization Capacity
    1. Background – Provide a brief statement of the lead organization’s history.
    2. Information about how this project relates to the lead organization’s past accomplishments/projects.
    3. Prior relationship with the Foundation? Name of project and grant award date?
    4. Brief list of the organization’s current projects, by funding source and amount. Do not exceed one page.
  6. Attachments
    1. Proposed Grant Budget – Complete a one page budget word document or PDF and upload as an attachment.
    2. Proposed Project Budget Narrative – Complete a one or two page budget narrative word document or PDF and upload as an attachment.
    3. Lead Organization’s Statement of Financial Statement – (auditor’s report / Form 990). Upload documents.
    4. Partnering Letters - If partnering with other organizations, you must include letters of commitment from each partner organization(s) detailing their commitment and contribution to the project. Save all as one PDF and upload.
    5. Resumes for key project personnel (not to exceed two pages each, biographies are not sufficient). Save all as one PDF and upload.
    6. Communication Plan – Develop a communications strategy and social media tactical plan to guide internal and external communications on the program(s) supported by the grant. The initial plan can be a one page summary to be updated as the program evolves.
    7. Sample Press Release – Upload a tentative press release that would announce the program.
    8. Other letters of support or endorsement, supplemental reports, strategic plans. Save all as one PDF and upload. These letters of support are optional.
    9. Official Request - Letter signed by the President, Director, or official of the lead organization noting this is a priority project for the organization.

To move forward with a Traditional grant inquiry, click Apply.