The North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation invites nonprofit organizations to apply for grants of $50,000 for projects furthering science, health and education in their local communities. These grants are intended to offer organizations an opportunity to develop a pilot or new initiative or to grow and expand and/or enhance an existing program. The Foundation does not fund indirect or overhead costs, construction or renovation projects, equipment, the delivery or facilitation of access to healthcare, medical assistance or services.


Ribbon of Hope proposals will be considered that relate to the establishment and implementation of new projects or an expansion of an existing program which:

  • address a critical community need that has been identified through comprehensive needs assessment
  • tightly align with priorities, goals and objectives of the local community agencies
  • demonstrate their sustainability after grant funds are expended

North Carolina community-based nonprofit, charitable organizations and institutions exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code are eligible to apply; individuals may not apply. Nonprofits with proposals pertaining to science, health and education as well as collaborative partnerships between several community-based organizations are encouraged to apply.